Lethe, sister of Sleep and Death in Greek Mythology, has always been present in poetry set to music up until the 18th century. It was also invariably associated with the theme of love and the world of dreams.
These central themes form the basis of a rich repertoire of familiar as well as rare compositions spanning the period from the late Middle Ages to the Baroque Age.
‘Lethe’ transports us to the dark world of Machaut and the idiomatic French tradition of the air de cour, culminating in English 17th-century music.
Works by Guillaume de Machaut, John Dowland, Christophe Ballard, Henry Purcell
Ex Silentio
Fanie Antonelou voice
Theodora Baka voice
Fani Vovoni viola, baroque violin
Jason Ioannou baroque cello
Panos Iliopoulos harpsichord
Dimitris Kountouras recorder, baroque flute, and conducting