The performance Last Work: Ohad Naharin by Batsheva Ensemble at the Athens Concert Hall is postponed..

“We regret to inform you that we will not be able to travel to Athens for our production scheduled last year for safety reasons. We hope to reschedule our performances soon. With hope for better days and peace.”

Ticket holders can contact the Megaron box office on Τ. 210 7282333 or for a refund.


A dreamy past, a chaotic present and the despair caused by an unknown future – Last Work is set in time. In a capsule containing history abridged, beauty and tenderness try to survive against power games. Bodies find ways of escape from a reality that is increasingly chaotic, violent, and meaningless, and offer a simple truth, compassion and comfort. Hovering above it all, like a ticking time bomb, is the repetitive motion of an effort that does not translate into pleasure – an on-the-spot race as a reminder of the SiOnsyphean nature of existence. Last Work takes place in the twilight zone, where sweet reverie meets nightmarish awakening and where one must choose: to surrender in the hope of rebirth or to be abandoned to the abyss of oblivion?




Note: A Mentoring Workshop for teens will be held on Sunday 14 April 2024. For more information click here